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Christmas 2004

Ideas & Sizes

Brian News

Alison News

Cole News


Brian, Alison & Cole's Playground

Mom says we argue, but Dad says we are being siblings. Just ... don't try to take sides. -- Brian, Alison & Cole

Jr. High Cross Country was great. I have been in the Jr. High Symphony band playing the sax. We had a UIL competition and took 2nd and 3rd in our categories. I have also been building like crazy with my Legos and playing with my friend next door using the "bases" I make. -- Brian

Fifth grade has been awesome. I've met a lot of new friends and am learning a lot of new and exciting things. In 6th grade, I will be playing the trumpt in the beginning band. -- Alison

Okay, I am 3.5 years old and going on 10, according to Mommy. I can do everything they do *points to his brother and sister* and they are slowly giving into my wishes *evil laugh*. I finally go potty on a toilet. Mommy and Daddy are VERY happy about that. Mommy and I play during the day. We do what mommy calls 30 minute stents...whatever those are... of learning because I don't pay attention very long. I also like to talk and play and just have a good ol' time. -- Cole


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Last Updated: 23 Apr 10