Our 2008
Holiday Season
what has transped in 2008:
January - The New Year was wonderful. The rest of
the children's Winter Break was spent having fun and playing
with their Christmas gifts and friends outside. Unfortunately,
shortly after going back to school, the entire family ended
up sick. Time to slowly recover and get through the rest of
the month.
February - Valentine's day was a blast. Cole and Kathleen
went to the school parties.
March - Spring break, what can be said for it? Well,
a surprise visit to California for part of the break and for
Easter. Oh, and again, it is more than likely being boycotted
next school year, as Brian decided since it was warm outside,
he could go swimming. He didn't test the water, but jumped
in and...well, forgot how to wade, float, swim, etc because
the water was very cold. Everyone is standing around the pool,
Kathleen was weed eating. The only thing she thought was "take
off your shoes, you get weighed down." and dove into
the pool, rescuing Brian. There are pictures from the family
reunion and vacation on the pictures page.
April - We had a pretty even month. Just really enjoying
Spring and our friends.
May - Kathleen's birthday went off without a hitch.
The family just spent time together for her birthday and Mother's
day. The end of the month found Kathleen remembering her father,
as it would have been his birthday.
June - Keith's birthday was fun. The children and Kathleen
decided to not surprise him at work this year. Things were
a little stressed there, for various reasons. Father's day
and KnK's 15th anniversary were wonderful. School ended, and
now the fun begins.
July - The little family went to Oklahoma and spent
the 4th with Keith's brother and his family, and Keith's Aunt
Cleo. The children had a blast playing on the farm and setting
off fire works. Even little Cole enjoyed them.
August - What a big month! Keith finished his Bachelor's
degree, the 2nd wedding anniversary for KnK, Brian's 11th
birthday and school starting. Brian's birthday was spent with
his dad during the day and the family at night. He wanted
Red Lobster, so that is where they went. Amazingly enough,
a cucumber decided to take hold of Brian's Eye Tooth and....well,
it will come out in the end and no one is going after it to
leave a dollar. Brian and Alison also found out the Kathleen
is the tooth fairy. Brian was all cool with it, but Alison
was devestated. She felt angry, betrayed because she defended
the tooth fairy to her friends when they said it was just
her parents. The first day of school was exceptionally well.
Alison walked herself in, the first time since Kindergarten,
and Brian did the same. Guess they are growing. Cole was a
little upset when Alison left the car and confused when Brian
left, but he did very well. Of course, he woke up from his
slumber a lot earlier than normal, so nap time was shortly
after Cole and Kathleen saw Keith off to work.
September - September brought the first month of
school, and everyone working on their new routines. Alison
joined Choir, Brian is in band and playing the sax. Alison
also chooses to walk across the street to school (there are
crossing guards) sometimes. Which is a feat in its own right,
because it wasn't too long ago that she would beg to be walked
into school, and cling on for dear life.
October - We had a fun month. Grades came out. Alison
is A/B and Brian has room for improvement. But, that didn't
stop the Halloween fun. Pictures will be posted. The children,
Kathleen and Keith (who was actually home on time for the
festivities this year) walked a few blocks and all three children
ended up with a ton of candy. There were not as many children
out this year, so it seemed as if participating houses gave
out more candy than normal. Brian was a ninja, Alison was
a character from High School Musical 3, and Cole was a spider
November - Weeeeeee....the year has moved along quite
nicely. Another grading period came to an end. The children
did the same as before. A lot of the month was helping with
homework, playing with Cole, preparing for the big 2nd birthday
for Mr. Cole. Veteran's Day was a day for remembering and
thanking soldiers. Kathleen signed a poster, on behalf of
the family, the JROTC was creating for the soldiers who could
not come home for the holidays. Cole's 2nd birthday was fun.
Kathleen spent a lot of time creating the cake, which was
themed after a show Cole watches on Discover Kids, called
Peep. Then, right after that event, came Thanksgiving
preparation. In true Keith fashion, menu decisions came down
to the last minute, and the feast was amazing. Keith and Kathleen
worked all morning in the kitchen with their sous chef, Alison.
Brian and Cole played, which was a hard job and they did it
December - December was a fun month. The children
had their winter break (Can't call it Christmas break anymore),
and the family went to Oklahoma for Christmas. Due to the
holiday being in the middle of the week, they had to return
home on Christmas Day so Keith could go to work the next day.
The children had a blast and Santa was very good to them,
as were their Uncles, Aunts and cousins. It was really fun,
the family played a version of White Elephant, and other games.
It was a blast! Alison had a great birthday. Katthleen made
her cake and gifts were plentiful.
Updated: 21 Jan 09