Our 2006
Holiday Season
what has transped in 2006:
January - The Duggers had a wonderful New Year. They
spent it in Oklahoma with Keith's brother and family. It was
nice to be together again for the New Year. Keith went back
to work on the 3rd and the children returned to school on
the 4th, only to have another day off on the 16th. The children
had an awards assembly on the 18th, both made the "A"
honor roll and had perfect attendance. They were extremely
proud of themselves (as were Keith and Katie). Winter really
hasn't been winter this year, so when it does decide to get
cold, the mornings are very hard to get jump started.
February - February was a strained month. Valentine's
Day turned out to be a great time for the children. So did
President's day. All and all we had a wonderful time
March - March was an easy month. We enjoyed school
and each other.
April - Easter. The bunny did it again. He decorated
the front yard with dozens of eggs with candy and other prizes.
He even left a very nice basket for the children in our dining
room! He must have had some of Santa's magic dust. The family
also found out of the upcoming present in December, a little
baby Dugger.
May - Kathleen's birthday and mother's day were beautiful.
The children created cards and everyone had a wonderful time.
This also brought us to the end of the school year - with
one day left in June. The children ended up with A/B honor
roll for the entire year.
June - Oh, school is out and summer vacation begins.
For the first 2 weeks, Alison wanted Mommy School and Brian
wanted World of Warcraft. So, Kathleen found a way to appease
both of them. They also made lunch together and enjoyed reading
and visiting the library.
July - The Fourth of July was wonderful. The family
sat outside on the Sunday prior and watched the fireworks
display put on by The Town of Little Elm. They were very nice.
On the fourth, the family spent time together enjoying each
other. Not much could be done in way of celebrating away from
the house because Keith had the pager. The family also found
out that the baby will be a boy. Everyone was very excited
and the children announced it to the entire hospital as the
family left the office.
August - QuakeCon was an awesome event. Kathleen and
the children attended daily, while Keith stayed at the hotel.
They had a wonderful time covering events together. School
began on the 16th, which was a nice change for Brian, because
it ususally starts on his birthday. Brian is in 4th and Alison
2nd. Keith and Kathleen celebrated 13 years of marriage on
the 21st, and Brian turned 9 on the 22nd. Kathleen made a
cake for Brian and the family had a small celebration at home,
then went to Gatti Town for some fun on the weekend.
September - Labor day was spent relaxing at home.
On the 5th, Kathleen was called by the doctor's office, the
c-section will be 12 Nov 06. The family really enjoyed being
together. Progress reports came out and the children are doing
wonderful. On the 24th, Brian and Alison had a sibling tour
of the maternity ward and post-pardem ward. They were taught
a lot of things, all kids style. The nurse who did the tour
was amazing. Nothing adult related was discussed on the tour,
it was very nice.
October - The Dugger family brought in the month in
Oklahoma. They were visiting Keith's family. It was a nice
visit. Brian and Alison played with the goats, dogs, chickens,
and roosters. Brian took his BB Gun and he, Alison and Daddy
took turns shooting a soda can. It got destroyed. Brian learned
how to catch baby goats and made a game of it, until Mom and
Dad asked him to stop. So....he decided to catch the next
best thing, a chicken. Caught her on the second try! However,
I think he scared her, because he ended up with chicken poop
on his arm and pants! He said he won't be doing that again.
Alison also helped Aunt Shannon and Aunt Cleo in the kitchen
making pies. On the 23rd, Alison lost another tooth, and Katie
was put on bed rest. Brian and Alison had a wonderful Halloween.
Alison was Lady Guinevere (Camelot) and Brian was the Grim
Reaper. They didn't get the chance to go to as many houses
as previous years, but they had a great run!
November - November brought a wonderful blessing to
the Dugger family. Cole Aaron was born on 20 Nov 06 at 1122
hrs. He weighed in at 5 lbs and 15 oz and was 18 inches long.
He was delivered via c-section. Keith, Brian and Alison brought
Katie and Cole home on Thanksgiving day. Keith went grocery
shopping and made a wonderful impromptu Thanksgiving lunch
for the family. They all truly had so much to be thankful
for this year.
December - Keith remains home with Katie and Cole.
Brian and Alison are enjoying school, but cannot wait for
their vacation to begin on 20 Dec. The little family put up
their Christmas tree after school on 11 Dec. The little Dugger
family went to Oklahoma for Christmas and spent it with Keith's
brother and sister-in-law and famliy. Aunt Cleo was there
as well. The children had a wonderful time, they were given
the opportunity to feed a baby goat, which was the highlight
of their vacation. Alison's 8th birthday was spent at home,
enjoying each other. She had a Snicker cake and opened three
presents. Everyone fell asleep before midnight, but when Cole
woke Katie for his nightly feeding, she ensured she told everyone
Happy New Year.
Updated: January 29, 2007