Our 2004
Holiday Season
what transpired in 2004:
We had a wonderful New Year. Alison ate her Barbie cake that
Keith made for her, after we ate dinner at TGI Fridays (her
choice). This cake was awesome, it looked like a doll with
a hoop skirt. Keith did a marvelous job and Alison could not
have been happier. Of course, when she woke up on January
1st, she cried because she wasn't going into Kindergarten
that day. ("When you are 5, you get to go to big school,"
Mom and Dad said.) Well, she was 5 - and had to wait until
Valentine's Day was good. Brian & Alison made Valentine
mail boxes, decorated them, while mom used the glue and scissors.
They were so proud of their boxes and even more excited when
they were able to open them and get the goodies.
Easter was so exciting and special. The Texas Dugger Family
went to Missouri to see Keith's brother, Vic, retire from
the Air Force. He retired on Good Friday and it was a great
ceremony. Brian & Alison were worried, though, that the
Easter Bunny wouldn't find them in Missouri, so, when their
cousins, Jackie and Dusty, were at Wal-Mart, they made sure
to tell the Easter Bunny where to find the children and that
they needed to find some eggs. So, the Easter Bunny and his
helpers filled eggs, made baskets and hid about 56 plastic
eggs at Vic's house, all while the children took a nap. When
they woke up, everyone went outside to find the eggs, and
it was a blast. Next time, the Easter Bunny and helpers need
to make a map of where all the eggs were, because one was
left outside, but was found by Alison :). Also, on that trip,
Vic was able to get the entire family to see the B-2 bomber
up close an personal. For those of you who know Katie LOVES
military aircraft - we all think she passed cloud 9.
May seemed to have come and went so fast. Katie turned – 33.
She has been trying to figure out where the past 3 years went.
Mother's day was great! We all just spent time together, enjoying
our time and each other. On Memorial day, the family spent
time talking about the meaning, America, and exactly what
our soldiers fought for and those who died, what they mean
to us today.
June 3rd was a difficult day. Brian finished 1st grade and
Alison graduated from Pre-K at Animal Quackers. She looked
so beautiful in her cap & gown. She had quite a proud
family, also. Brian took a picture of her, and mom & dad
took plenty as well. They will be posted soon. Of course,
they cannot call Alison a big "bad" kindergartener,
because she is good, so she is a big "good" kindergartener.
During the summer, the children are participating in Animal
Quackers Summer Camp called "Quack-a-lot of fun".
It is well worth it, no matter the cost. They get to do so
much more than they would have done if they stayed home :).
June also brought about Keith's 34th birthday and father's
day. The Duggers had a wonderful time. Katie, Brian &
Alison surprised Keith with a sign on the garage door when
he arrived home from work on the 15th (since he was home on
the 16th, they wouldn't be able to surprise him then) and
they had a cake waiting. Katie was a little devious and produced
relighting sparkler candles :).
July - On Independence Day, The Duggers went to a neighboring
town - Frisco, TX - and enjoyed the Taste of Frisco (all the
local restaurants provided their "specialty" for
a "fee"), the children participated in some events,
played on bounce houses, visited with some clowns, firefighters
and police officers. Around 6:00 PM, the Duggers claimed their
spot infront of the main stage, drank a lot of water and waited
for the show to begin. Stevie Brock (a teen sensation that
Mom and Dad knew nothing about) came on stage and did a show.
When he was done, KC & the Sunshine Band played. The first
song is Alison's favorite "Shake Your Booty". Because
Alison doesn't like Port-a-Potties, the family left early
and went to Wendy's for a bite to eat. They finished in time
to stand next to their car and watch the amazing firework
show from about 6 different cities/establishments. The children
were in awe and enjoyed the night thoroughly.
August - To end the summer vacation, the Dugger family and
their friends, the Sanders family, took the children to Chuck-E-Cheese.
They all had a blast (even the parents) when all was said
and done. Then, Brian started 2nd grade and Alison began her
first year in school as a Big "GOOD" Kindergartener
(Per Alison, "I am NOT a BAD girl."). They both
had such a great first day. All the mother's Katie has talked
to agree that God made it easy for them to hide their tears.
It rained quite a bit, but Katie held strong. Then, 2 days
after school started, Keith and Katie celebrated their 11th
Anniversary (2nd for the year). It was wonderful. On 22 Aug,
Keith and Katie tricked Brian into thinking they "forgot"
his birthday, only to have Katie make a Spongebob Squarepants
cake for him and put presents in front of him during dinner.
He was very happy and surprised.
September - Brought about a month of change. Katie decided
that the children really need her more at home, so she and
Keith decided it best for her to stay home. The children would
get home around 6:00 PM, do homework, eat dinner, bathe and
go to bed. Notice anything missing in there? No family time.
No wind down time. After that decision was made, Keith decided
to post-pone school until January. He also received a promotion
at work. Things just started falling into place.
October - The family enjoyed a nice 3 day weekend for Columbus
Day. The children begged Katie to do home school with them
on Monday, October 11. They decided that reading and crafts
were in order for the day. Then, on the children's 4th day
off, they wanted more home school, so Katie took the morning
to find a lot of worksheets for the children to do. They were
more than excited, and couldn't help arguing over who could
do what and how. On the Friday before Halloween, Katie will
assisted the Little Elm Community Library in a Haunted Library
and Children's Carnival. She was beside herself. She was a
psychotic Raggedy Ann - slaying her puppets (that hung from
the wall). Some said that was the scariest part of the Haunted
Library - but Katie is too modest to think that - she thought
she was horrible. The Saturday before Halloween, Katie took
Brian and Alison to the Halloween Carnival so they could play
games. Both the Haunted Library and the Halloween Carnival
were fund raisers for the Public Library's new integratec
computer system. On Halloween, Katie and Alison made a birthday
card for a neighbor. Then, the children stayed with a friend
while Keith and Katie went to a movie (woo hoo - a date at
last). After the movie, the children went home and got dressed
for Trick - or - Treating and Katie drove them to Lexie's
(a friend and who the children stayed with) house to get some
goodies. It poured on them at Lexie's house, but there was
no rain in the Dugger neighborhood (1 mile away). Talk about
good luck. Alison was a cheerleader and Brian some skull demon.
He picked it out himself. Katie and the children took 3 other
children on the venture of the neighborhood for lots of candy,
and they received SOOOOOOOOO much. All in all, October was
a wonderful month.
November - Wow - November already. Hasn't this year just
flown by? This month graced Katie with the presence of Keith.
He had 2 weeks off, right in the middle of the month. They
really enjoyed being together. Keith was able to share 3 days
of Brian's and Alison's Fall break with them. The 22nd and
Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving. The entire family
had a wonderful time. Katie, Brian and Alison went shopping
for Thanksgiving dinner and had a blast doing so. Brian and
Alison were very helpful, but wanted EVERYTHING in sight that
looked "cool". On Thursday, Keith and Katie made
Thanksgiving dinner - of course, it didn't go as planned,
Katie had to go back to the store (thank goodness it was open)
to get some extra spices (which Keith and Katie KNEW were
in the pantry - the ghost must have done some cooking of his
own) and makings for a last minute idea. The Dugger family
had turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes (special recipe), dressing
(Keith's Mom's Recipe), fruit salad (the last minute dish),
corn, green beans, and rolls. During the day, they snacked
on olives (green & black), nuts (mixed), cheese and crackers.
Yes, Katie forgot to open the can of cranberry sauce. She
is the only one who eats it, so it was the last thing on her
mind. For dessert, Katie bought a coconut cream pie for Keith
and the kids and attempted to make a lemon meringue pie (hoping
it would be just like her Grandmother made for her). Well,
let's just say it didn't turn out the way she expected. Maybe
next time it will be better. The meringue was perfect, the
filling lost its form. The weekend after Thanksgiving, the
Dugger family traveled to Oklahoma City to see Keith's Aunt
Cleo. It was a nice visit.
December - Well, today is the first day - not too sure what
is going to happen (believe it or not, neither Keith nor Katie
are fortune tellers). The first freeze of the season happened
over night, which left Katie trying to get the ice off the
car before taking Alison to school. Brian - has his first
flu/bug (other than an ear infection) so he stayed home and
watched cartoons in between trips to the bathroom and sleeping.
Katie started being the "crafty" person. She made
fabric magnetic bookmarks (sold some, too). She also made
a few scrunchies (sold a couple of those as well). Her next
venture is to make cylinder shape heating/cooling pads with
rice, birdseed and dried lavendar in them. She also fixed
her sewing machine (helps if all the I's are dotted and T's
are crossed - so to speak). The middle of December was a difficult
time for Katie, the Town of Little Elm and her family. The
Town lost their first Police Officer. He was a wonderful man,
who smiled. Most people who were cited by him said it was
the most pleasant experience, because he kept them feeling
at ease the entire time. The other event was the loss of her
siblings's father. That was the span of about 4 days. Then,
Alison's two front bottom teeth are loose AND she is gong
to turn 6!!! So, to try to ease the sadness, she helped out
with the Public Library's fundraiser. A Winter Wonderland
Carnival. It was a blast. She stood by the road, dressed like
a reindeer (just pick one - Vixen maybe?) waiving people inside.
Once there, they chose from 4 games and 4 crafts. Most people
did all, some just played the games. Keith brought the children
up, and they used their own money to enter. The event raised
$85. Just 4 days after that - on December 22, Little Elm accumulated
4-5 inches of snow! It was beautiful and the children had
a blast. That was the day Katie was to take the children to
see Santa at the mall, but between that and her falling down
her stairs (she should have been named Grace - 'nough said),
they waited until Thursday to see him. Pictures will be posted
soon. Keith was even told to work from home that day. The
snow was supposed to have ceased by 1030 AM, but didn't until
late into the evening. The freezing temps remained through
the week, and although it was in the 40's on Christmas day,
all the Dugger family had to do to have a white Christmas,
was look in their backyard. It was still there. December 23rd
Keith and Katie found themselves with the other 1000 shoppers
looking for "last" minute items. (For them, it was
the first and last shopping trip). They found everything,
and it was added to what Katie had bought online earlier in
the year. The children were so surprised on Christmas Eve,
after their "nap" (yeah right, if they were napping,
the house is infested with Kangaroos and Laughing Hyennas),
when there were more presents under the tree. They tracked
Santa with NORAD for a while, until they went down stairs
to wind down, and they wound down too much. Both fell asleep
on the floor. So, Santa and his helper filled the stockings
and placed the gifts while being "computeralized"
(ask Brian and Alison, they'll tell you what that means).
They got a lot of great gifts. That list is posted on their
site. The day after Christmas, the Dugger family walked around
the mall (Barnes & Noble) and returned 1 item at Target.
Katie started cleaning the office closet and almost has it
complete. She is trying to turn it into her "craft"
studio (yeah, right, in her dreams). Her biggest obstacle
is what to do with all the children's school work and art
she has accumulated over the past 6 years! Then, Keith went
back to work on the 28th only to work until the 30th. He is
off for New Year's on Alison's birthday. The 28th, Katie took
Brian and Alison to Target so they could use their gift card
($10.00) on something cool. It took over 2 hours but they
did it! They found their perfect items. The Target brand Kool
Toyz. Alison bought a superstar stage set with 4 Bratz type
dolls and all the accessories and it plays music for $7. Brian
bought a robot (Cosmic Robot), that has sound effects and
walks for $7. Katie should have hit that isle first. Of course,
she wanted the aircraft carrier, but decided she was a little
too old for a toy :). Alison's Birthday: Alison woke
up, promptly on December 31 and ran into Keith & Katie's
room. Before Katie opened her eyes, she said, "Happy
Birthday." as the door opened. It was a shakey day, not
knowing if Keith had to go into work to assist a co-worker.
Thankfully, all turned out well. Katie took Brian to Target
so he could buy something for Alison. He bought her Yu-Gi-Oh
cards and Bratz sticker cards. He was very pleased with his
purchase. Katie & Brian took lunch home to Keith and Alison.
After lunch, Brian & Alison played outside while Katie
wrapped presents. Then, Alison helped Keith & Katie make
her cake. Once everything was made, frosted, wrapped and everyone
was washed up and dressed, they went to a friend's house to
celebrate her birthday and the upcoming New Year. To find
out what she received, check out "Alison News" on
her's and Brian's page. The Duggers, Sanders, and friends
brought in the New Year together. See 2005 to find out more...
Until then, may everyone be safe and blessed..